Saturday, March 21, 2020

New plot

Okay so I've been thinking and I think that I'm going to begin my film as well as I was going to do it, but instead it will be shots at night of my street outside in Weston, Savanna. While a song a calming one but also one that induces fear is being played in a non-diagetic way. So then we get closer and closer to the house (my house) where our character will be hiding, in the dark from the creature that's hunting her. Then she will be escaping from her house but the creature will be following her. So while the creature will be following her and in that persecution the character will have some ocurrences that will cause the screen to go to black screen and some credits will be shown, and like that until the character has a moment of realization and a light from a car shows up and lights her up and the title screen will show up. Now I've been having some doubts, I have two options in what to do while she's running. I want to make her to entretain and induce the audience into the movie therefore I want her to drop something while she's running and my two ideas are either a bag full of hallucigenic drugs or an envelope which explains the cause of what's going. These two ideas will define all the film's plot to it's enterity, this since if we choose the bag of drugs then what she's seeing it's because of the drugs and if we choose the envelop then we enter a infinite world of sci-fi and it's posibilities. I also thought that we could combine both this will be by the character dropping the drugs and the events she is seeing makes her be a profet and she has to warn the town of what's going to happen. Or the junkie profet or the lonely survivor with knowledge of ocurrences, this are my two options.

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