Sunday, February 23, 2020

What's the content of it?

The film is going to start with a scientist playing a old cassette playing Andrea Bocceli's Con Te Partirio. Then it will be shown the various shots of Wynwood at night while the song is being played. After some shots of Wynwood at night are displayed we show a girl running out of a white room with blood on their shirt and really dirty running from something dangerous but the audience doesn't know what it is yet. The girl proceeds to fell and when she does it shows one credit. Then we show a shoulder shot from the girl running and we cut to a homeless guy sitting guy sitting on the streets with glasses. Then closeup to the glasses of the homeless guy and it shows red eyes while getting closer to him and while the guy is screaming and then it cuts to dark screen with white credits showing the credits of the director and the starring of the actors.

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