Saturday, February 15, 2020

film opening research genre

I chose the genre of thriller and horror, since it's a genre that appeals to young teens (such as myself) and also are known to be very successful if executed appropietly. Horror in film is a genre that is made for the sole purpose of frightening and panicking, to cause dread and alarm, and even to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. This genre tends to focus on the dark side of live, creating a sense of horror in the audience. This genre can either be science fiction or based on real life events, nonetheless the majority of this films are based on science fiction. 

Thriller is a genre that characterizes by suspense and provoking fear at the same time. Thrillers generally keep the audience on the "edge of their seats" as the plot builds towards a climax.

I plan to do my film opening by not showing the monster or the victimizer in the scene but showing all the danger and chaos that it caused. Also using low lights and dark setting in order for the audience to interpret what's happening rather than showing it (2+2 but not the 4) this creates not only suspense but also horror. Also I plan to use high audio in order for the audience to feel the agony and sense that the character is feeling. 

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